Time & Timing

 Increase your profit and revenue 10 times with our support.

Our Market Research and Latent Need Analysis will give you hidden demand trend & vision.
Our Product Design differentiation, value proposition & pricing strategy will improve your market share.

Our Digital Selling & Service Strategy will boost your actual sales to increase revenue and profit.

Your customers are your most hardworking employee; Reward Them.
It is not our competitors that defeat us, it is our fear to start disruption, evolution & transformation.
Without a philanthropic business model, it is impossible to exist in future; Like Google Map & MS Edge is free.
To grow a business must incorporate multiple Business Models, Like Amazon & Facebook.
We at MIFT do extensive research to make our client's business grow.
Don’t be Xerox, Kodak, Nokia, Yahoo etc. As they invented disruptive technology but due to fear failed to accept it.
Humanoids are coming to overtake humans; DNA Vectors modify human to super-human; Humans will shift to Mars; We are here to help you now to predict accurate future of your industry.
Attack is best defense
Disrupt the disruption
Don’t afraid of the Giants, Make them afraid of you
All disruption is not admired & selected by customers
When intraspecific competition is not at work disruptive selection can still lead to sympatric speciation and it does this through maintaining business product polymorphisms.
Disruptive selection, also called diversifying selection, describes changes in customers internal psychology & behavior in which extreme values for a trait are favored over intermediate values.
We at MIFT will help you in disruptive selection so that you can understand evolution and transform the business in right direction.
Will you be irrelevant and obsolete in 2035?
Industrial Revolution 1 to 2 took 100 Years
Industrial Revolution 2 to 3 took 50 Years
Industrial Revolution 3 to 4 took 25 Years
Industrial Revolution 4 to 5 : 12 Years - Will You Exist ?
We work on advance engineering disruption in various industries from Haptic Technology, Terraforming on Mars, DNA Omics etc. We predict how your industry will be shutdown by other industry.

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